OPICO 5: Tuning Recursive SQL for Item/Category Optimization
Part 5 in a series on: Optimization Problems with Items and Categories in Oracle
The knapsack problem is a problem in combinatorial optimization: Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible.
The knapsack problem and many other problems in combinatorial optimization require the selection of a subset of items to maximize an objective function subject to constraints. A common approach to solving these problems algorithmically involves recursively generating sequences of items of increasing length in a search for the best subset that meets the constraints.
I applied this kind of approach using SQL for a number of problems, starting in January 2013 with A Simple SQL Solution for the Knapsack Problem (SKP-1), and I wrote a summary article, Knapsacks and Networks in SQL, in December 2017 when I put the code onto GitHub, sql_demos - Brendan’s repo for interesting SQL.
This is the fifth in a series of eight articles that aim to provide a more formal treatment of algorithms for item sequence generation and optimization, together with practical implementations, examples and verification techniques in SQL and PL/SQL.
List of Articles
- OPICO 1: Algorithms for Item Sequence Generation
- OPICO 2: SQL for Item Sequence Generation
- OPICO 3: Algorithms for Item/Category Optimization
- OPICO 4: Recursive SQL for Item/Category Optimization
- OPICO 5: Tuning Recursive SQL for Item/Category Optimization
- OPICO 6: Mixed SQL and PL/SQL Methods for Item/Category Optimization
- OPICO 7: Verification
- OPICO 8: Automation
- Optimization Problems with Items and Categories in Oracle
[See README for references]
In the fourth article, we explained how to use recursive SQL to implement the algorithms described generically in the third, including the Value Filtering
techniques that will prove essential here.
In the current article, we introduce two larger test datasets and use them to analyse the performance of the initial recursive query, then go on to look at variations on the query that improve performance.
The performance results cited are from instance 3 of running the driver script, Run-All.ps1: Run-All_03.log (summary) and results_03 folder (detail) in the GitHub project
[Image by Fran Soto from Pixabay]
↓ 1 Test Datasets - Fantasy Football
↓ 2 Value Filtering Parameters
↓ 3 Pure Recursive SQL
↓ 4 Recursive SQL with PL/SQL
↓ 5 Conclusion
1 Test Datasets - Fantasy Football
↑ Contents
↓ Solutions by Position Query
↓ Test Dataset 1: Brazilian League
↓ Test Dataset 2: English Premier League
In the previous article a very simple demo problem involving 6 items and 2 categories was used for illustrative purposes. We need larger problems to analyse performance, and in this section two problems are described, each of them based on the concept of fantasy football: Here the items are footballers, whose playing positions form the categories, and the players have prices whose total for a team has a maximum limit, and values based on their anticipated ability to generate points for the team.
Before describing the test datasets, we show a query that allows us to list solutions arranged by position with minimum and maximum limits and the actual number in the position, with player ids as comma-separated lists inline. It is convenient for quickly verifying that all the category limits have been adhered to.
Solutions by Position Query
↑ 1 Test Datasets - Fantasy Football
The query applies to solutions accessed via a view, PATHS_RANKED_V, that stores the solutions as strings containing a list of player ids of fixed length in a PATH column, and relies on a splitting function, Item_Cat_Seqs.Split_Values. It uses the Oracle aggregate function, ListAgg.
SELECT prv.tot_value,
cat.id category_id,
To_Char(cat.min_items) min_items,
' ' || CASE WHEN COUNT(itm.id) = cat.min_items THEN '<-' ELSE ' ' END || COUNT(itm.id) ||
CASE WHEN COUNT(itm.id) = cat.max_items THEN '->' ELSE ' ' END n_items,
To_Char(cat.max_items) max_items,
ListAgg(itm.id, ', ') item_list
FROM categories cat
CROSS JOIN paths_ranked_v prv
CROSS APPLY TABLE(Item_Cat_Seqs.Split_Values(prv.path, :ITEM_WIDTH)) psv
LEFT JOIN items itm ON itm.id = psv.COLUMN_VALUE
AND itm.category_id = cat.id
WHERE prv.rnk <= :TOP_N
GROUP BY prv.tot_value,
Test Dataset 1: Brazilian League
↑ 1 Test Datasets - Fantasy Football
↓ Test Dataset
↓ Path Level Solutions, with Statistics
↓ Item Level Solutions
↓ Solutions by Position
The first dataset was supplied by a post on Processing Cost - How to catch a soccer team with the highest combined score? and appears to be based on a Brazilian league.
Test Dataset
↑ Test Dataset 1: Brazilian League
The dataset has 114 players, in seven positions (one being coach), with twelve players forming a team. The problem is to find the team with maximum total player points within a given maximum price (of 19000), and matching the positional constraints:
Positions Position Min Players Max Players --------- -------------- -------------- AL 12 12 CB 2 3 CO 1 1 FW 1 3 GK 1 1 MF 3 5 WB 0 2 7 rows selected. Players Position Id Player Player Price Player Value --------- --- --------------------- ------------ ------------ CB 098 Digão 931 927 099 Samir 267 680 100 Dedé 2254 640 101 Lúcio 2171 602 102 Bressan 1085 590 103 Manoel 1699 588 104 Cléber 1461 578 105 Bruno Rodrigo 1547 528 106 Edu Dracena 1682 497 107 William Alves 556 443 108 Gum 1218 422 109 Wallace 429 420 110 João Filipe 547 410 111 Werley 1590 403 112 Gil 1323 398 113 Gabriel Paulista 1177 394 114 Ernando 1024 374 CO 078 Jaime De AlMFda 1156 803 079 Marcelo Oliveira 1611 543 080 Abel Braga 1751 536 081 Dunga 1422 463 082 Caio Júnior 1140 445 083 Vanderlei Luxemburgo 1577 442 084 Ney Franco 1515 439 085 Levi Gomes 708 420 086 Ricardo Drubscky 796 392 087 Marquinhos Santos 1059 389 088 Paulo Autuori 1313 361 089 Edson Pimenta 367 326 090 Oswaldo De Oliveira 1077 323 091 Tite 1368 317 092 Claudinei Oliveira 1192 317 093 Cristóvão Borges 827 292 094 Vadão 704 286 095 Enderson Moreira 680 253 096 Cuca 1262 232 097 Zé Sérgio 685 75 FW 001 Éderson 1712 1012 002 Maxi Biancucchi 1962 1005 003 Rafael Sobis 2303 955 004 Fernandão 1328 822 005 Luis Fabiano 2154 758 006 Rafael Marques 1974 668 007 Dagoberto 2211 594 008 Rogério 1062 570 009 Hernane 1387 498 010 Lins 1840 490 011 Neilton 638 488 012 Samuel 1001 487 013 Chiquinho 997 464 014 Luan 1318 455 015 William 1393 444 016 Vitinho 1020 404 017 Deivid 1590 376 018 Barcos 1896 367 019 Jô 1393 340 020 Osvaldo 1364 312 GK 021 Fábio 2090 794 022 Wilson 1239 794 023 Vanderlei 1858 776 024 Victor 1163 467 025 Marcelo Lomba 1364 450 026 Renan 677 437 027 Felipe 1526 414 028 Dida 1132 375 029 Cássio 1251 374 030 Michel Alves 899 348 031 Bruno 1066 320 032 Muriel 981 310 033 Rafael 1782 300 034 Weverton 616 248 035 Ricardo Berna 460 242 036 Gledson 452 210 037 Rogério Ceni 1420 117 MF 058 Fred 3028 892 059 Zé Roberto 2593 878 060 Otavinho 762 807 061 Carlos Alberto 1501 675 062 Nilton 2239 646 063 Júnior Urso 1438 622 064 João Vitor 1327 604 065 Guilherme 883 587 066 Ralf 1965 570 067 Escudero 1638 568 068 Correa 844 560 069 Souza 1262 517 070 Alex 1698 508 071 Souza 1380 498 072 Cicinho 1142 472 073 Fellype Gabriel 860 447 074 João Paulo 1056 438 075 Sandro Silva 1076 428 076 Cícero 1415 418 077 Wagner 855 413 WB 038 Ivan 755 1320 039 Elsinho 1468 850 040 Egídio 1482 752 041 Carlinhos 1240 693 042 Auremir 773 548 043 Mayke 374 525 044 Luis Ricardo 858 467 045 Richarlyson 1020 467 046 Fabrício 876 457 047 Juan 789 457 048 Paulo Miranda 1053 454 049 João Paulo 715 453 050 Rodrigo Caio 1192 452 051 Victor Ferraz 1304 420 052 Jussandro 694 410 053 Rafael Galhardo 1288 404 054 William Matheus 587 402 055 Maranhão 653 402 056 Gabriel 1181 338 057 Vítor 877 336 114 rows selected.
AL is used as a code for team size, and a maximum price of 19000 was chose arbitrarily (but having an influence on results). The points and prices were multiplied by a factor of 100 to allow working in integers.
Path Level Solutions, with Statistics
↑ Test Dataset 1: Brazilian League
Running the pure SQL recursive query of the last article by means of a view, RSF_SQL_V, on the Brazil dataset with KEEP_NUM = 10 and MIN_VALUE = 0, we get a solution set for the top 10 paths that is suboptimal (let’s call it B-B), summarised below:
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | Value 1 | Value 10 | Seconds |
10 | 0 | B-B (suboptimal) | 10923 | 10748 | 0.9 |
Path Total Value Total Price Rank
------------------------------------ ----------- ----------- -----
078022098099058059060001002003038039 10923 18176 1
078023098099058059060001002003038039 10905 18795 2
078022098099058059060001002003038040 10825 18190 3
078023098099058059060001002003038040 10807 18809 4
078022098099058059060001002004038039 10790 17201 5
078021098099058059060001002004038039 10790 18052 6
078023098099058059060001002004038039 10772 17820 7
078022098099058059060001002003038041 10766 17948 8
078021098099058059060001002003038041 10766 18799 9
078022098099058059060061001002003038 10748 18209 10
10 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.87
The query executes in less than a second, finding the best solution with value of 10923, but the remaining solutions miss some better solutions, as shown when we run for a value of KEEP_NUM = 0, meaning ‘do not approximate’, and using a MIN_VALUE of 10748, since we know from the above run that the 10’th best solution has a value at least that high:
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | Value 1 | Value 10 | Seconds |
100 | 10748 | B-A (optimal) | 10923 | 10766 | 1.0 |
Path Total Value Total Price Rank
------------------------------------ ----------- ----------- -----
078022098099058059060001002003038039 10923 18176 1
078023098099058059060001002003038039 10905 18795 2
078022098102058059060001002003038039 10833 18994 3
078022098099058059060001002003038040 10825 18190 4
078023098099058059060001002003038040 10807 18809 5
078022098099058059061001002003038039 10791 18915 6
078022098099058059060001002004038039 10790 17201 7
078021098099058059060001002004038039 10790 18052 8
078023098099058059060001002004038039 10772 17820 9
078022098099058059060001002003038041 10766 17948 10
10 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:01.03
This takes only slightly longer at 1.0 seconds because the lower bound on the 10’th best solution value allows the search algorithm to truncate some of the paths, and finds the best solution set (let’s call it B-A) since it is not approximating at all.
Item Level Solutions
↑ Test Dataset 1: Brazilian League
Here is the best solution set found, with paths split into items and joined to the players:
Total Value Total Price Rank Position Item Player Value Price ----------- ----------- ----- -------- ---- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 10923 18176 1 CO 078 Jaime De AlMFda 803 1156 GK 022 Wilson 794 1239 CB 098 Digão 927 931 099 Samir 680 267 MF 058 Fred 892 3028 059 Zé Roberto 878 2593 060 Otavinho 807 762 FW 001 Éderson 1012 1712 002 Maxi Biancucchi 1005 1962 003 Rafael Sobis 955 2303 WB 038 Ivan 1320 755 039 Elsinho 850 1468 10905 18795 2 CO 078 Jaime De AlMFda 803 1156 GK 023 Vanderlei 776 1858 CB 098 Digão 927 931 099 Samir 680 267 MF 058 Fred 892 3028 059 Zé Roberto 878 2593 060 Otavinho 807 762 FW 001 Éderson 1012 1712 002 Maxi Biancucchi 1005 1962 003 Rafael Sobis 955 2303 WB 038 Ivan 1320 755 039 Elsinho 850 1468 10833 18994 3 CO 078 Jaime De AlMFda 803 1156 GK 022 Wilson 794 1239 CB 098 Digão 927 931 102 Bressan 590 1085 MF 058 Fred 892 3028 059 Zé Roberto 878 2593 060 Otavinho 807 762 FW 001 Éderson 1012 1712 002 Maxi Biancucchi 1005 1962 003 Rafael Sobis 955 2303 WB 038 Ivan 1320 755 039 Elsinho 850 1468 10825 18190 4 CO 078 Jaime De AlMFda 803 1156 GK 022 Wilson 794 1239 CB 098 Digão 927 931 099 Samir 680 267 MF 058 Fred 892 3028 059 Zé Roberto 878 2593 060 Otavinho 807 762 FW 001 Éderson 1012 1712 002 Maxi Biancucchi 1005 1962 003 Rafael Sobis 955 2303 WB 038 Ivan 1320 755 040 Egídio 752 1482 10807 18809 5 CO 078 Jaime De AlMFda 803 1156 GK 023 Vanderlei 776 1858 CB 098 Digão 927 931 099 Samir 680 267 MF 058 Fred 892 3028 059 Zé Roberto 878 2593 060 Otavinho 807 762 FW 001 Éderson 1012 1712 002 Maxi Biancucchi 1005 1962 003 Rafael Sobis 955 2303 WB 038 Ivan 1320 755 040 Egídio 752 1482 10791 18915 6 CO 078 Jaime De AlMFda 803 1156 GK 022 Wilson 794 1239 CB 098 Digão 927 931 099 Samir 680 267 MF 058 Fred 892 3028 059 Zé Roberto 878 2593 061 Carlos Alberto 675 1501 FW 001 Éderson 1012 1712 002 Maxi Biancucchi 1005 1962 003 Rafael Sobis 955 2303 WB 038 Ivan 1320 755 039 Elsinho 850 1468 10790 17201 7 CO 078 Jaime De AlMFda 803 1156 GK 022 Wilson 794 1239 CB 098 Digão 927 931 099 Samir 680 267 MF 058 Fred 892 3028 059 Zé Roberto 878 2593 060 Otavinho 807 762 FW 001 Éderson 1012 1712 002 Maxi Biancucchi 1005 1962 004 Fernandão 822 1328 WB 038 Ivan 1320 755 039 Elsinho 850 1468 18052 8 CO 078 Jaime De AlMFda 803 1156 GK 021 Fábio 794 2090 CB 098 Digão 927 931 099 Samir 680 267 MF 058 Fred 892 3028 059 Zé Roberto 878 2593 060 Otavinho 807 762 FW 001 Éderson 1012 1712 002 Maxi Biancucchi 1005 1962 004 Fernandão 822 1328 WB 038 Ivan 1320 755 039 Elsinho 850 1468 10772 17820 9 CO 078 Jaime De AlMFda 803 1156 GK 023 Vanderlei 776 1858 CB 098 Digão 927 931 099 Samir 680 267 MF 058 Fred 892 3028 059 Zé Roberto 878 2593 060 Otavinho 807 762 FW 001 Éderson 1012 1712 002 Maxi Biancucchi 1005 1962 004 Fernandão 822 1328 WB 038 Ivan 1320 755 039 Elsinho 850 1468 10766 17948 10 CO 078 Jaime De AlMFda 803 1156 GK 022 Wilson 794 1239 CB 098 Digão 927 931 099 Samir 680 267 MF 058 Fred 892 3028 059 Zé Roberto 878 2593 060 Otavinho 807 762 FW 001 Éderson 1012 1712 002 Maxi Biancucchi 1005 1962 003 Rafael Sobis 955 2303 WB 038 Ivan 1320 755 041 Carlinhos 693 1240 120 rows selected.
Solutions by Position
↑ Test Dataset 1: Brazilian League
Here is the best solution set found, arranged by position, with player ids listed inline:
Total Value Total Price Rank Position Min Actual Max Player List ----------- ----------- ----- -------- --- ------- --- ------------------------- 10923 18176 1 CB 2 <-2 3 098, 099 CO 1 <-1-> 1 078 FW 1 3-> 3 001, 002, 003 GK 1 <-1-> 1 022 MF 3 <-3 5 058, 059, 060 WB 0 2-> 2 038, 039 10905 18795 2 CB 2 <-2 3 098, 099 CO 1 <-1-> 1 078 FW 1 3-> 3 001, 002, 003 GK 1 <-1-> 1 023 MF 3 <-3 5 058, 059, 060 WB 0 2-> 2 038, 039 10833 18994 3 CB 2 <-2 3 098, 102 CO 1 <-1-> 1 078 FW 1 3-> 3 001, 002, 003 GK 1 <-1-> 1 022 MF 3 <-3 5 058, 059, 060 WB 0 2-> 2 038, 039 10825 18190 4 CB 2 <-2 3 098, 099 CO 1 <-1-> 1 078 FW 1 3-> 3 001, 002, 003 GK 1 <-1-> 1 022 MF 3 <-3 5 058, 059, 060 WB 0 2-> 2 038, 040 10807 18809 5 CB 2 <-2 3 098, 099 CO 1 <-1-> 1 078 FW 1 3-> 3 001, 002, 003 GK 1 <-1-> 1 023 MF 3 <-3 5 058, 059, 060 WB 0 2-> 2 038, 040 10791 18915 6 CB 2 <-2 3 098, 099 CO 1 <-1-> 1 078 FW 1 3-> 3 001, 002, 003 GK 1 <-1-> 1 022 MF 3 <-3 5 058, 059, 061 WB 0 2-> 2 038, 039 10790 17201 7 CB 2 <-2 3 098, 099 CO 1 <-1-> 1 078 FW 1 3-> 3 001, 002, 004 GK 1 <-1-> 1 022 MF 3 <-3 5 058, 059, 060 WB 0 2-> 2 038, 039 18052 8 CB 2 <-2 3 098, 099 CO 1 <-1-> 1 078 FW 1 3-> 3 001, 002, 004 GK 1 <-1-> 1 021 MF 3 <-3 5 058, 059, 060 WB 0 2-> 2 038, 039 10772 17820 9 CB 2 <-2 3 098, 099 CO 1 <-1-> 1 078 FW 1 3-> 3 001, 002, 004 GK 1 <-1-> 1 023 MF 3 <-3 5 058, 059, 060 WB 0 2-> 2 038, 039 10766 17948 10 CB 2 <-2 3 098, 099 CO 1 <-1-> 1 078 FW 1 3-> 3 001, 002, 003 GK 1 <-1-> 1 022 MF 3 <-3 5 058, 059, 060 WB 0 2-> 2 038, 041 60 rows selected.
For this dataset all 10 best solutions have the same combination of position counts.
Test Dataset 2: English Premier League
↑ 1 Test Datasets - Fantasy Football
↓ Test Dataset
↓ Path Level Solutions, with Statistics
↓ Item Level Solutions
↓ Solutions by Position
The second dataset is based on the English Premier League and the data was taken from a ‘scraping’ web-site, https://scraperwiki.com/scrapers/fantasy_premier_league_player_stats/. There are some quality issues with the data, but they are good enough for technical testing. The Player Value was taken as the sum of the player’s points over the last season and Player Price as the value at the last week.
Test Dataset
↑ Test Dataset 2: English Premier League
After excluding zero-point players, there remained 576 players, of five positions, with eleven players forming a team, and the problem is the same as the first one, with a maximum price this time of 900.
Positions Position Min Players Max Players --------- -------------- -------------- AL 11 11 DF 3 5 FW 1 3 GK 1 1 MF 2 5 Players Position Id Player Player Price Player Value --------- --- ------------------------------ ------------ ------------ DF 012 Kieran Gibbs 53 51 016 Carl Jenkinson 40 39 017 Laurent Koscielny 53 19 021 Per Mertesacker 53 39 023 Nacho Monreal 52 50 029 Bacary Sagna 47 17 031 Clarindo Santos 49 13 037 Thomas Vermaelen 67 36 043 Nathan Baker 39 10 045 Joe Bennett 44 28 051 Ciaran Clark 44 28 067 Eric Lichaj 43 17 069 Matthew Lowton 45 36 073 Enda Stevens 39 1 075 Ron Vlaar 45 58 082 Scott Dann 47 7 098 Marcos Alonso 39 1 110 Zat Knight 42 4 118 Paul Robinson 43 2 119 Gretar Rafn Steinsson 42 2 122 Nathan Ake 40 3 125 Cesar Azpilicueta 56 83 128 Ryan Bertrand 39 35 130 Jose Bosingwa 55 1 131 Gary Cahill 60 104 134 Ashley Cole A 63 103 138 Paulo Ferreira 40 1 142 Branislav Ivanovic 69 114 145 David Luiz 67 107 160 John Terry 65 59 165 Leighton Baines 78 173 173 Sylvain Distin 54 102 176 Shane Duffy 42 1 182 Johnny Heitinga 50 49 183 Tony Hibbert 50 14 186 Phil Jagielka 59 120 202 Chris Baird 39 45 205 Matthew Briggs 39 9 221 Brede Hangeland 48 73 222 Aaron Hughes 40 50 227 Stephen Kelly 40 1 228 Stanislav Manolev 42 14 232 Sascha Riether 48 107 233 John Arne Riise 52 100 240 Philippe Senderos 47 45 242 Alex Smith 40 1 248 Daniel Agger 64 133 255 Jamie Carragher 50 65 257 Sebastian Coates 44 9 268 Glen Johnson 65 141 270 Sanchez Jose Enrique 61 133 272 Martin Kelly 51 7 282 Martin Skrtel 56 89 288 Andre Wisdom 38 45 293 Gael Clichy 58 106 301 Aleksandar Kolarov 55 55 302 Vincent Kompany 70 85 303 Joleon Lescott 58 77 304 Sisenando Maicon 62 28 307 Matija Nastasic 53 76 310 Karim Rekik 43 6 311 Micah Richards 57 33 319 Kolo Toure 51 48 323 Pablo Zabaleta 64 117 326 Alexander Buttner 50 37 330 Jonathan Evans J 48 13 331 Jonny Evans J 53 99 332 Patrice Evra 73 152 333 Fabio Fabio 42 1 334 Rio Ferdinand 58 92 340 Phil Jones 57 26 353 Rafael Rafael 61 119 356 Chris Smalling 45 48 360 Nemanja Vidic 66 67 375 Fabricio Coloccini 49 51 376 Mathieu Debuchy 47 24 384 Massadio Haidara 41 3 389 James Perch 44 37 392 Davide Santon 47 72 393 Danny Simpson 46 46 396 James Tavernier 39 1 397 Ryan Taylor R 48 1 398 Steven Taylor S 46 44 401 Mike Williamson 40 35 402 Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa 49 29 404 Leon Barnett 37 16 405 Sebastien Bassong 53 121 412 Javier Garrido 47 103 420 Russell Martin R 42 96 426 Ryan Ryan Bennett 39 28 433 Michael Turner 41 86 436 Steven Whittaker 40 39 439 Tal Ben Haim 39 4 440 Jose Bosingwa 48 46 453 Fabio Fabio 40 42 455 Anton Ferdinand 41 17 459 Michael Harriman 39 2 462 Clint Hill 43 64 467 Stephane Mbia 49 65 469 Ryan Nelsen 41 69 470 Nedum Onuoha 38 51 478 Armand Traore 48 61 486 Shaun Cummings 38 7 487 Daniel Daniel Carrico 38 3 489 Kaspars Gorkss 37 31 491 Chris Gunter 38 46 493 Ian Harte 37 44 497 Stephen Kelly 40 26 500 Adrian Mariappa 39 54 506 Sean Morrison 38 53 508 Alex Pearce 38 34 513 Nicky Shorey 38 39 519 Nathaniel Clyne 41 83 524 Jose Fonte 40 68 526 Daniel Fox 40 28 531 Jos Hooiveld 40 39 538 Ben Reeves 38 3 539 Frazer Richardson 41 5 544 Luke Shaw 40 60 546 Maya Yoshida 45 68 550 Geoff Cameron 43 92 558 Robert Huth 55 120 569 Ryan Shawcross 56 133 574 Matthew Upson 41 9 578 Andy Wilkinson 40 48 579 Marc Wilson 39 46 580 Jonathan Woodgate 45 7 582 Phil Bardsley 44 25 583 Phillip Bardsley 48 1 584 Titus Bramble 40 33 585 Wes Brown 46 9 591 Carlos Cuellar 43 78 599 Matthew Kilgallon 38 16 605 Kader Mangane 40 2 612 John O'Shea 51 115 625 Chico 46 64 627 Ben Davies 44 92 642 Garry Monk 42 22 648 Angel Rangel 47 96 653 Alan Tate 38 2 654 Neil Taylor 45 17 655 Dwight Tiendalli 45 36 658 Ashley Williams 49 89 660 Benoit Assou-Ekotto 60 40 663 Steven Caulker 44 66 666 Michael Dawson 45 64 674 William Gallas 50 50 679 Younes Kaboul 50 2 690 Kyle Naughton 39 48 700 Jan Vertonghen 68 129 701 Kyle Walker 61 103 709 Craig Dawson 38 4 717 Gonzalo Jara 43 4 718 Billy Jones 44 63 723 Gareth McAuley 52 122 731 Jonas Olsson 49 92 733 Goran Popov 44 19 735 Liam Ridgewell 48 87 740 Gabriel Tamas 42 11 752 James Collins 46 41 754 Guy Demel 41 87 766 George McCartney 38 32 771 Joey O'Brien 48 119 774 Emanuel Pogatetz 43 3 775 Daniel Potts 38 2 776 Winston Reid 48 101 777 Jordan Spence 40 4 780 James Tomkins 41 46 783 Antolin Alcaraz 42 26 786 Emmerson Boyce 47 91 787 Gary Caldwell 47 55 792 Maynor Figueroa 43 71 795 Roman Golobart 40 2 801 Adrian Lopez 39 4 810 Ivan Ramis 42 47 815 Ronnie Stam 38 19 820 Christophe Berra 43 1 846 Richard Stearman 43 1 848 Stephen Ward 43 1 FW 013 Olivier Giroud 77 65 026 Lukas Podolski 81 50 041 Gabriel Agbonlahor 68 54 046 Darren Bent 78 27 047 Christian Benteke 74 166 048 Jordan Bowery 45 13 053 Nathan Delfouneso 50 1 077 Andreas Weimann 51 80 086 David Goodwillie 55 1 088 David Hoilett 55 11 095 Jason Roberts 53 2 096 Ruben Rochina 47 1 102 Kevin Davies K 57 2 109 Ivan Klasnic 59 7 126 Demba Ba 78 149 136 Didier Drogba 101 1 146 Romelu Lukaku 74 1 161 Fernando Torres 93 131 164 Victor Anichebe 43 88 181 Magaye Gueye 46 3 187 Nikica Jelavic 77 98 191 Kevin Mirallas 66 90 194 Steven Naismith 59 70 201 Apostolos Vellios 47 9 204 Dimitar Berbatov 71 161 208 Moussa Dembele 52 2 223 Andrew Johnson A 47 9 230 Mladen Petric 54 61 235 Hugo Rodallega 54 71 236 Bryan Ruiz 50 102 254 Fabio Borini 72 18 256 Andy Carroll 91 1 263 Fernandez Saez 47 18 285 Daniel Sturridge 74 99 286 Luis Suarez 105 213 289 Sergio Aguero 111 127 290 Mario Balotelli 86 28 295 Edin Dzeko 68 130 318 Carlos Tevez 92 172 338 Javier Hernandez 65 90 342 Will Keane 55 1 354 Wayne Rooney 116 141 359 Robin Van Persie 137 80 361 Danny Welbeck 78 56 368 Shola Ameobi 51 34 373 Adam Campbell 45 3 374 Papiss Cisse 87 115 382 Yoan Gouffran 62 50 391 Sammy Sammy Ameobi 43 11 413 Grant Holt 59 110 416 Simeon Jackson 47 24 419 Chris Martin C 44 1 421 Steve Morison 49 26 441 Jay Bothroyd 47 14 443 DJ Campbell 43 1 446 Djibril Cisse 58 49 465 Andrew Johnson 46 7 466 Jamie Mackie 50 56 474 Loic Remy 54 53 475 Tommy Smith 45 11 481 Bobby Zamora 61 68 494 Noel Hunt 46 37 498 Adam Le Fondre 44 97 509 Pavel Pogrebnyak 42 71 510 Jason Roberts 45 18 512 Dominic Samuel 44 1 533 Rickie Lambert 69 178 535 Emmanuel Mayuka 48 14 540 Jay Rodriguez 52 103 543 Billy Sharp 49 2 552 Peter Crouch 60 131 559 Cameron Jerome 50 55 560 Kenwyne Jones 50 70 565 Michael Owen 50 12 586 Fraizer Campbell 49 17 594 Steven Fletcher 67 131 597 Danny Graham 54 79 607 James McFadden 50 3 615 Louis Saha 49 10 620 Connor Wickham 50 13 634 Danny Graham 50 2 643 Luke Moore 43 38 651 Itay Shechter 50 27 659 Emmanuel Adebayor 91 71 667 Jermain Defoe 79 122 680 Harry Kane 43 5 692 Roman Pavlyuchenko 70 1 694 Louis Saha 69 2 707 Simon Cox 45 2 712 Marc-Antoine Fortune 48 41 719 Shane Long 58 110 720 Romelu Lukaku 66 157 730 Peter Odemwingie 69 74 737 Markus Rosenberg 59 29 747 Andy Carroll 82 86 750 Carlton Cole 44 50 758 Robert Hall 43 1 764 Modibo Maiga 50 30 781 Ricardo Vaz Te 51 66 785 Mauro Boselli 50 8 789 Franco Di Santo 52 90 797 Angelo Henriquez 42 7 800 Arouna Kone 69 131 805 Callum McManaman 45 35 814 Conor Sammon 45 1 823 Kevin Doyle 57 1 827 Steven Fletcher 52 1 GK 009 Lukasz Fabianski 43 6 019 Vito Mannone 40 31 035 Wojciech Szczesny 53 10 058 Shay Given 45 4 060 Bradley Guzan 48 106 107 Jussi Jaaskelainen 48 4 132 Petr Cech 64 129 140 Henrique Hilario 42 3 162 Ross Turnbull 39 6 185 Tim Howard 53 113 192 Jan Mucha 43 12 239 Mark Schwarzer 51 133 244 David Stockdale 43 5 269 Brad Jones 44 24 278 Jose Reina 58 126 298 Joe Hart 69 154 346 Anders Lindegaard 51 26 364 David de Gea 58 114 377 Rob Elliot 40 20 385 Steve Harper 45 15 386 Tim Krul 51 75 407 Mark Bunn 43 60 409 Lee Camp 40 6 425 John Ruddy 44 67 445 Soares Cesar 47 83 458 Rob Green 41 37 488 Adam Federici 43 59 502 Alex McCarthy 40 48 515 Stuart Taylor 40 7 516 Artur Boruc 45 56 521 Kelvin Davis 41 31 527 Paulo Gazzaniga 40 26 549 Asmir Begovic 56 154 609 Simon Mignolet 53 139 656 Gerhard Tremmel 41 51 657 Michel Vorm 51 89 672 Brad Friedel 48 23 686 Hugo Lloris 58 89 713 Ben Foster 51 109 728 Boaz Myhill 44 25 760 Jussi Jaaskelainen 52 139 782 Ali Al-Habsi 49 80 812 Joel Robles 40 20 832 Wayne Hennessey 46 2 MF 001 Andrey Arshavin 65 6 002 Mikel Arteta 75 41 005 Alex Chamberlain 69 22 006 Francis Coquelin 47 7 007 Vassiriki Diaby 61 17 011 Yao Gervinho 68 42 014 Serge Gnabry 43 1 027 Aaron Ramsey 54 27 030 Santi Santi Cazorla 97 198 038 Theo Walcott 90 53 039 Jack Wilshere 63 10 042 Marc Albrighton 52 7 044 Barry Bannan 47 27 052 Simon Dawkins 42 4 054 Fabian Delph 46 8 056 Karim El Ahmadi 42 25 057 Gary Gardner 42 1 061 Chris Herd 43 4 062 Brett Holman 55 24 064 Stephen Ireland 50 19 072 Charles N'Zogbia 66 11 074 Yacouba Sylla 42 16 078 Ashley Westwood 49 83 083 David Dunn 62 2 084 Mauro Formica 49 5 085 Morten Gamst Gamst Pedersen 62 10 091 Marcus Marcus Olsson 50 2 103 Mark Davies M 48 12 113 Fabrice Muamba 44 2 114 Martin Petrov 52 11 115 Darren Pratley 52 2 116 Nigel Reo-Coker 44 2 127 Yossi Benayoun 61 17 137 Michael Essien 63 1 139 Eden Hazard 96 171 144 Frank Lampard 85 128 148 Marko Marin 66 12 149 Juan Mata 102 190 151 Raul Meireles 63 5 152 Mikel 43 44 153 Victor Moses 62 53 154 Emboaba Oscar 79 113 155 Lucas Piazon 42 2 156 Nascimento Ramires 62 95 157 Ramires 69 2 158 Oriol Romeu 41 9 166 Ross Barkley 41 7 171 Tim Cahill 65 1 172 Seamus Coleman 46 71 175 Royston Drenthe 54 2 177 Marouane Fellaini 73 168 180 Darron Gibson 47 47 184 Thomas Hitzlsperger 50 12 195 Phil Neville 41 40 196 Leon Osman 62 119 197 Bryan Oviedo 48 18 198 Steven Pienaar 66 139 206 Simon Davies 46 1 207 Ashkan Dejagah 55 45 209 Clint Dempsey 92 15 210 Mahamadou Diarra 47 16 211 Damien Duff 58 114 212 Urby Emanuelson 46 21 213 Eyong Enoh 50 13 216 Kerim Frei 43 9 217 Emmanuel Frimpong 45 12 224 Alex Kacaniklic 43 78 225 Giorgos Karagounis 47 49 226 Pajtim Kasami 42 2 229 Danny Murphy 61 6 231 Kieran Richardson 53 27 241 Steve Sidwell 49 83 247 Charlie Adam 86 1 249 Joe Allen 45 52 251 Oussama Assaidi 57 4 259 Phillippe Coutinho 71 69 261 Stewart Downing 57 97 265 Steven Gerrard 92 187 267 Jordan Henderson 48 95 273 Dirk Kuyt 94 7 274 Leiva Lucas 46 53 280 Nuri Sahin 54 27 281 Jonjo Shelvey 51 21 283 Jay Spearing 54 2 284 Raheem Sterling 46 81 291 Gareth Barry 52 85 294 Nigel De Jong 44 4 297 Francisco Garcia 50 56 305 James Milner 61 93 306 Samir Nasri 81 83 309 Abdul Razak 43 3 312 Jack Rodwell 46 26 314 David Silva 92 154 315 Scott Sinclair 60 18 321 Gnegneri Yaya Toure 77 2 322 Yaya Yaya Toure 82 141 325 Oliveira Anderson 51 41 327 Michael Carrick 59 94 328 Tom Cleverley 56 70 335 Darren Fletcher 54 12 337 Ryan Giggs 60 65 341 Shinji Kagawa 79 84 350 Luis Nani 82 34 352 Nick Powell 45 7 355 Paul Scholes 50 29 358 Antonio Valencia 82 100 363 Ashley Young 82 58 369 Vurnon Anita 44 49 370 Hatem Ben Arfa 73 72 371 Gael Bigirimana 43 21 372 Yohan Cabaye 65 94 378 Shane Ferguson 43 14 381 Dan Gosling 46 3 383 Jonas Gutierrez 55 84 387 Sylvain Marveaux 41 62 388 Gabriel Obertan 41 25 390 Nile Ranger 45 2 394 Moussa Sissoko 54 53 399 Cheick Tiote 48 38 400 Haris Vuckic 42 2 406 Elliott Bennett 47 52 411 David Fox 43 2 414 Wes Hoolahan 55 103 415 Jonathan Howson 45 72 417 Bradley Johnson 47 97 423 Anthony Pilkington 55 104 428 Robert Snodgrass 62 152 430 Andrew Surman 43 7 431 Alexander Tettey 43 58 448 Shaun Derry 42 30 449 Samba Diakite 44 24 450 Kieron Dyer 44 8 454 Alejandro Faurlin 47 28 457 Esteban Granero 52 47 463 David Hoilett 56 62 464 Jermaine Jenas 42 32 471 Ji-Sung Park 52 44 476 Adel Taarabt 53 105 477 Andros Townsend 44 49 479 Shaun Wright-Phillips 48 44 482 Hope Akpan 45 24 492 Danny Guthrie 41 48 495 Jem Karacan 42 53 496 Jimmy Kebe 41 72 499 Mikele Leigertwood 45 65 501 Jobi McAnuff 47 101 503 Garath McCleary 44 73 511 Hal Robson-Kanu 42 76 514 Jay Tabb 43 24 518 Richard Chaplow 42 3 520 Jack Cork 44 64 522 Steven Davis 45 74 523 Steve De Ridder 42 2 528 Guly Guilherme 47 32 532 Adam Lallana 56 93 536 Jason Puncheon 47 107 537 Gaston Ramirez 52 85 541 Morgan Schneiderlin 48 103 545 James Ward-Prowse 43 22 547 Charlie Adam 65 85 553 Rory Delap 45 1 555 Maurice Edu 43 1 556 Matthew Etherington 59 61 561 Michael Kightly 51 64 564 Steven Nzonzi 50 81 566 Wilson Palacios 41 4 567 Jermaine Pennant 50 3 568 Danny Pugh 50 3 570 Ryan Shotton 46 48 575 Jonathan Walters 63 147 576 Glenn Whelan 49 101 577 Dean Whitehead 42 42 588 Lee Cattermole 43 17 589 Jack Colback 45 73 593 Ahmed Elmohamady 49 2 595 Craig Gardner 49 104 598 Adam Johnson 68 138 602 Sebastian Larsson 59 112 606 James McClean 56 95 608 David Meyler 42 3 610 Alfred N'Diaye 42 34 613 Kieran Richardson 58 9 614 Danny Rose 44 60 616 Stephane Sessegnon 67 148 618 David Vaughan 49 33 621 Kemy Agustien 45 22 624 Leon Britton 42 64 628 Jonathan De Guzman 57 122 631 Nathan Dyer 50 94 633 Mark Gower 45 1 635 Pablo Hernandez 59 95 636 Sung-Yeung Ki 60 60 637 Roland Lamah 50 6 641 Miguel Michu 79 169 650 Wayne Routledge 53 118 661 Gareth Bale 111 240 662 Tom Carroll 42 10 668 Mousa Dembele 58 77 669 Clint Dempsey 89 116 670 Yago Falque 46 1 677 Lewis Holtby 63 17 678 Tom Huddlestone 45 37 682 Niko Kranjcar 60 2 684 Aaron Lennon 71 131 685 Jake Livermore 41 15 691 Scott Parker 52 43 695 Raniere Sandro 47 58 696 Gylfi Sigurdsson 78 76 699 Rafael Van der Vaart 89 4 705 Chris Brunt 53 92 710 Graham Dorrans 50 58 715 Zoltan Gera 47 64 726 James Morrison 57 135 727 Youssouf Mulumbu 53 80 734 Steven Reid 47 20 738 Paul Scharner 51 2 741 Somen Tchoyi 48 1 742 Jerome Thomas 51 17 743 George Thorne 43 7 744 Claudio Yacob 49 56 751 Joe Cole 51 35 753 Jack Collison 46 32 755 Mohamed Diame 47 83 756 Alou Diarra 45 3 761 Matthew Jarvis 55 89 769 Mark Noble 46 96 770 Kevin Nolan 61 145 772 Gary O'Neil 43 50 779 Matthew Taylor 46 60 784 Jean Beausejour 53 106 790 Mohamed Diame 48 1 791 Roger Espinoza 41 27 793 Fraser Fyvie 42 1 796 Jordi Gomez 52 59 798 David Jones 43 24 802 Shaun Maloney 54 121 803 James McArthur 54 78 804 James McCarthy 48 105 806 Ryo Miyaichi 43 3 818 Ben Watson 50 30 825 David Edwards 49 1 833 Karl Henry 44 2 835 Matthew Jarvis 57 2 837 Eggert Jonsson 45 1 839 Michael Kightly 54 1 841 Nenad Milijas 52 1 576 rows selected.
Path Level Solutions, with Statistics
↑ Test Dataset 2: English Premier League
Running the pure SQL recursive query of the last article by means of a view, RSF_SQL_V, on the England dataset with KEEP_NUM = 50 and MIN_VALUE = 0, we get a solution set for the top 10 paths that is suboptimal (let’s call it E-B), summarised below:
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | Value 1 | Value 10 | Seconds |
50 | 0 | E-B (suboptimal) | 1965 | 1952 | 208 |
Path Total Value Total Price Rank
--------------------------------- ----------- ----------- -----
037024160463488298027452193344166 1965 889 1
037024160264488298045027452193166 890 2
037024160463488298044027452193344 1963 890 3
037024160463488298044027452193166 1962 884 4
037024160264488298314027452193166 885 5
037024160272488298044027452193166 889 6
037024160264488298027452193344478 1957 887 7
037024160264488298027452193166478 1956 881 8
037024160264488298044027452193478 1954 882 9
037024160264488298027452193166460 1952 886 10
10 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:03:27.52
The query executes in 208 seconds, finding the best solution with value of 1965, but the remaining solutions miss some better solutions, as shown when we run for a value of KEEP_NUM = 0, meaning ‘do not approximate’, and using a MIN_VALUE of 1952, since we know from the above run that the 10’th best solution has a value at least that high:
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | Value 1 | Value 10 | Seconds |
0 | 1952 | E-A (optimal) | 1965 | 1957 | 2288 |
Path Total Value Total Price Rank
--------------------------------- ----------- ----------- -----
037024160463488298027452193344166 1965 889 1
037024160264488298045027452193166 890 2
037024160463488298044027452193344 1963 890 3
037024160463488298044027452193166 1962 884 4
037024160264488298314027452193166 885 5
037024160272488298044027452193166 889 6
252024160264488298044027452193166 1959 889 7
037024160463488298045027452193344 1958 887 8
037024160463488298045027452193166 1957 881 9
037024160272488298045027452193166 886 10
10 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:38:08.44
This takes much longer at 2288 seconds despite the lower bound on the 10’th best solution value, which allows the search algorithm to truncate some of the paths, and finds the best solution set (let’s call it E-A) since it is not approximating at all.
We’ll show in the remainder of this article how we can improve performance.
Item Level Solutions
↑ Test Dataset 2: English Premier League
Here is the best solution set found, with paths split into items and joined to the players:
Total Value Total Price Rank Position Item Player Value Price ----------- ----------- ----- -------- ---- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 1965 889 1 GK 549 Asmir Begovic 154 56 DF 165 Leighton Baines 173 78 332 Patrice Evra 152 73 569 Ryan Shawcross 133 56 FW 286 Luis Suarez 213 105 533 Rickie Lambert 178 69 MF 661 Gareth Bale 240 111 030 Santi Santi Cazorla 198 97 265 Steven Gerrard 187 92 641 Miguel Michu 169 79 177 Marouane Fellaini 168 73 890 2 GK 549 Asmir Begovic 154 56 DF 165 Leighton Baines 173 78 332 Patrice Evra 152 73 268 Glen Johnson 141 65 FW 286 Luis Suarez 213 105 533 Rickie Lambert 178 69 204 Dimitar Berbatov 161 71 MF 661 Gareth Bale 240 111 030 Santi Santi Cazorla 198 97 265 Steven Gerrard 187 92 177 Marouane Fellaini 168 73 1963 890 3 GK 549 Asmir Begovic 154 56 DF 165 Leighton Baines 173 78 332 Patrice Evra 152 73 569 Ryan Shawcross 133 56 FW 286 Luis Suarez 213 105 533 Rickie Lambert 178 69 047 Christian Benteke 166 74 MF 661 Gareth Bale 240 111 030 Santi Santi Cazorla 198 97 265 Steven Gerrard 187 92 641 Miguel Michu 169 79 1962 884 4 GK 549 Asmir Begovic 154 56 DF 165 Leighton Baines 173 78 332 Patrice Evra 152 73 569 Ryan Shawcross 133 56 FW 286 Luis Suarez 213 105 533 Rickie Lambert 178 69 047 Christian Benteke 166 74 MF 661 Gareth Bale 240 111 030 Santi Santi Cazorla 198 97 265 Steven Gerrard 187 92 177 Marouane Fellaini 168 73 889 5 GK 549 Asmir Begovic 154 56 DF 165 Leighton Baines 173 78 332 Patrice Evra 152 73 270 Sanchez Jose Enrique 133 61 FW 286 Luis Suarez 213 105 533 Rickie Lambert 178 69 047 Christian Benteke 166 74 MF 661 Gareth Bale 240 111 030 Santi Santi Cazorla 198 97 265 Steven Gerrard 187 92 177 Marouane Fellaini 168 73 1961 885 6 GK 549 Asmir Begovic 154 56 DF 165 Leighton Baines 173 78 332 Patrice Evra 152 73 268 Glen Johnson 141 65 FW 286 Luis Suarez 213 105 533 Rickie Lambert 178 69 720 Romelu Lukaku 157 66 MF 661 Gareth Bale 240 111 030 Santi Santi Cazorla 198 97 265 Steven Gerrard 187 92 177 Marouane Fellaini 168 73 1958 887 7 GK 549 Asmir Begovic 154 56 DF 165 Leighton Baines 173 78 332 Patrice Evra 152 73 569 Ryan Shawcross 133 56 FW 286 Luis Suarez 213 105 533 Rickie Lambert 178 69 204 Dimitar Berbatov 161 71 MF 661 Gareth Bale 240 111 030 Santi Santi Cazorla 198 97 265 Steven Gerrard 187 92 641 Miguel Michu 169 79 1957 881 8 GK 549 Asmir Begovic 154 56 DF 165 Leighton Baines 173 78 332 Patrice Evra 152 73 569 Ryan Shawcross 133 56 FW 286 Luis Suarez 213 105 533 Rickie Lambert 178 69 204 Dimitar Berbatov 161 71 MF 661 Gareth Bale 240 111 030 Santi Santi Cazorla 198 97 265 Steven Gerrard 187 92 177 Marouane Fellaini 168 73 886 9 GK 549 Asmir Begovic 154 56 DF 165 Leighton Baines 173 78 332 Patrice Evra 152 73 270 Sanchez Jose Enrique 133 61 FW 286 Luis Suarez 213 105 533 Rickie Lambert 178 69 204 Dimitar Berbatov 161 71 MF 661 Gareth Bale 240 111 030 Santi Santi Cazorla 198 97 265 Steven Gerrard 187 92 177 Marouane Fellaini 168 73 887 10 GK 549 Asmir Begovic 154 56 DF 165 Leighton Baines 173 78 332 Patrice Evra 152 73 268 Glen Johnson 141 65 FW 286 Luis Suarez 213 105 533 Rickie Lambert 178 69 MF 661 Gareth Bale 240 111 030 Santi Santi Cazorla 198 97 265 Steven Gerrard 187 92 641 Miguel Michu 169 79 428 Robert Snodgrass 152 62 110 rows selected.
Solutions by Position
↑ Test Dataset 2: English Premier League
Here is the best solution set found, arranged by position, with player ids listed inline:
Total Value Total Price Rank Position Min Actual Max Player List ----------- ----------- ----- -------- --- ------- --- ------------------------- 1965 889 1 DF 3 <-3 5 165, 332, 569 FW 1 2 3 286, 533 GK 1 <-1-> 1 549 MF 2 5-> 5 661, 030, 265, 641, 177 890 2 DF 3 <-3 5 165, 332, 268 FW 1 3-> 3 286, 533, 204 GK 1 <-1-> 1 549 MF 2 4 5 661, 030, 265, 177 1963 890 3 DF 3 <-3 5 165, 332, 569 FW 1 3-> 3 286, 533, 047 GK 1 <-1-> 1 549 MF 2 4 5 661, 030, 265, 641 1962 884 4 DF 3 <-3 5 165, 332, 569 FW 1 3-> 3 286, 533, 047 GK 1 <-1-> 1 549 MF 2 4 5 661, 030, 265, 177 889 5 DF 3 <-3 5 165, 332, 270 FW 1 3-> 3 286, 533, 047 GK 1 <-1-> 1 549 MF 2 4 5 661, 030, 265, 177 1961 885 6 DF 3 <-3 5 165, 332, 268 FW 1 3-> 3 286, 533, 720 GK 1 <-1-> 1 549 MF 2 4 5 661, 030, 265, 177 1958 887 7 DF 3 <-3 5 165, 332, 569 FW 1 3-> 3 286, 533, 204 GK 1 <-1-> 1 549 MF 2 4 5 661, 030, 265, 641 1957 881 8 DF 3 <-3 5 165, 332, 569 FW 1 3-> 3 286, 533, 204 GK 1 <-1-> 1 549 MF 2 4 5 661, 030, 265, 177 886 9 DF 3 <-3 5 165, 332, 270 FW 1 3-> 3 286, 533, 204 GK 1 <-1-> 1 549 MF 2 4 5 661, 030, 265, 177 887 10 DF 3 <-3 5 165, 332, 268 FW 1 2 3 286, 533 GK 1 <-1-> 1 549 MF 2 5-> 5 661, 030, 265, 641, 428 40 rows selected.
For this dataset the 10 best solutions have two combinations of position counts, having either 2xFW and 5xMF, or 3xFW and 4xMF.
2 Value Filtering Parameters
↑ Contents
↓ Value Rank Filtering
↓ Value Bound Filtering
↓ Parameter Pairs
In the third article in our series we introduced the concept of value filtering in two ways, by ranking or bounding, each having an associated parameter, KEEP_NUM and MIN_VALUE, respectively.
Value Rank Filtering
↑ 2 Value Filtering Parameters
In this form of filtering, we retain only KEEP_NUM top-ranked paths from the prior iteration, where the ranking is partitioned by category combination, and KEEP_NUM is a parameter. This may result in a solution set being found that is sub-optimal, but that may be found more quickly.
If KEEP_NUM = 0 value rank filtering is not performed.
Value Bound Filtering
↑ 2 Value Filtering Parameters
If we have a lower bound on the value of the solutions sought, MIN_VALUE, we can use that value to filter out subsequences that can be determined not to be compatible with the optimal solution set. This does not result in any loss of optimality.
By performing a number of iterations, starting with a low value for KEEP_NUM, and zero for MIN_VALUE, we may be able to arrive at the optimal solution set more quickly. We’ll show how to automate this iteration scheme in the sixth article in the series.
Parameter Pairs
↑ 2 Value Filtering Parameters
↓ Parameter Value Combinations
↓ Result Reports
In order to compare performance across variations of our queries, we will use a set of four pairs of values for the parameters KEEP_NUM and MIN_VALUE.
For both the Brazil and England datasets, setting both to zero, meaning no approximation and no lower bound on value, causes the queries to fail with an Oracle error owing to resource constraints:
ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP
Parameter Value Combinations
For non-zero KEEP_NUM we can get a solution set in reasonable time, but it may not be optimal. We can then use the approximate solutions to set the MIN_VALUE equal to the N’th best value as a lower bound in a subsequent run. This serves to truncate paths in the search without affecting optimality.
We will test using a zero MIN_VALUE with small and large values for KEEP_NUM, and we will also test using a MIN_VALUE obtained as the N’th best value from the earlier run with small value for KEEP_NUM; we will use a MIN_VALUE of zero in one case, giving us the actual optimal solution set, and then also with the large value for KEEP_NUM.
The aim here is to find the best performing variation of recursive subquery factor solution methods, before moving on to consider algorithms using PL/SQL driving blocks in the next article.
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Description |
10 | 0 | Small KEEP_NUM, zero MIN_VALUE |
100 | 0 | Large KEEP_NUM, zero MIN_VALUE |
100 | 10748 | Large KEEP_NUM, positive MIN_VALUE |
0 | 10748 | Zero KEEP_NUM, positive MIN_VALUE |
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Description |
50 | 0 | Small KEEP_NUM, zero MIN_VALUE |
300 | 0 | Large KEEP_NUM, zero MIN_VALUE |
300 | 1952 | Large KEEP_NUM, positive MIN_VALUE |
0 | 1952 | Zero KEEP_NUM, positive MIN_VALUE |
Result Reports
We will report the results for both datasets in tabular format for each pair of parameter values, with runtimes in seconds in a column headed by a code for the query variant. The results for the original query in pure SQL described in the last article are given below:
Code | View |
SQL | RSF_SQL_V - original pure SQL recursive query |
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | SQL |
10 | 0 | B-B (suboptimal) | 0.7 |
100 | 0 | B-A (optimal) | 6.5 |
100 | 10748 | B-A (optimal) | 0.4 |
0 | 10748 | B-A (optimal) | 0.7 |
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | SQL |
50 | 0 | E-B (suboptimal) | 208 |
300 | 0 | E-A (optimal) | 1253 |
300 | 1952 | E-A (optimal) | 80 |
0 | 1952 | E-A (optimal) | 2288 |
3 Pure Recursive SQL
↑ Contents
↓ Execution Plan 1 - unhinted
↓ Execution Plan 2 - after adding materialize hint
↓ Results
In this section we show the exection plan for the pure SQL query without hints, followed by the same query but with a materialize hint added, and compare performance on the England dataset with KEEP_NUM = 0 and MIN_VALUE = 1952.
Execution Plan 1 - unhinted
Running the pure SQL recursive query on the England dataset with KEEP_NUM = 0 and MIN_VALUE = 1952 we get the solution in 2288 seconds, with the following execution plan:
Plan hash value: 3116385525
| Id | Operation | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows | A-Time | Buffers | Reads | Writes | OMem | 1Mem | Used-Mem | Used-Tmp|
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | | 10 |00:04:12.79 | 45M| 7825K| 7825K| | | | |
| 1 | SORT ORDER BY | | 1 | 6 | 10 |00:04:12.79 | 45M| 7825K| 7825K| 2048 | 2048 | 2048 (0)| |
|* 2 | VIEW | RSF_SQL_V | 1 | 6 | 10 |00:04:12.79 | 45M| 7825K| 7825K| | | | |
| 3 | TEMP TABLE TRANSFORMATION | | 1 | | 10 |00:04:12.79 | 45M| 7825K| 7825K| | | | |
| 4 | LOAD AS SELECT (CURSOR DURATION MEMORY) | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C58_147E856B | 1 | | 0 |00:00:00.01 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 1024 | 1024 | | |
| 5 | WINDOW SORT | | 1 | 560 | 560 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 80896 | 80896 |71680 (0)| |
| 6 | WINDOW SORT | | 1 | 560 | 560 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 74752 | 74752 |65536 (0)| |
| 7 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | EPL_PLAYERS | 1 | 560 | 560 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 8 | LOAD AS SELECT (CURSOR DURATION MEMORY) | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C59_147E856B | 1 | | 0 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 1024 | 1024 | | |
| 9 | WINDOW SORT | | 1 | 5 | 5 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 2048 | 2048 | 2048 (0)| |
| 10 | WINDOW SORT | | 1 | 5 | 5 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 2048 | 2048 | 2048 (0)| |
| 11 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | EPL_POSITIONS | 1 | 5 | 5 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
|* 12 | WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK | | 1 | 6 | 10 |00:04:12.79 | 45M| 7825K| 7825K| 2048 | 2048 | 2048 (0)| |
|* 13 | VIEW | | 1 | 6 | 50 |00:04:12.76 | 45M| 7825K| 7825K| | | | |
| 14 | UNION ALL (RECURSIVE WITH) BREADTH FIRST| | 1 | | 1842K|00:00:44.37 | 45M| 7825K| 7825K| 93M| 3316K| 97M (0)| |
|* 15 | VIEW | | 1 | 5 | 1 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 16 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C59_147E856B | 1 | 5 | 5 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 17 | WINDOW SORT | | 12 | 1 | 1842K|00:34:48.22 | 91 | 7825K| 7814K| 190M| 4633K| 97M (1)| 171M|
|* 18 | FILTER | | 12 | | 1842K|00:34:37.90 | 85 | 7781K| 7771K| | | | |
|* 19 | HASH JOIN OUTER | | 12 | 1 | 1872K|00:34:37.53 | 85 | 7781K| 7771K| 178M| 8572K| 110M (1)| 145M|
|* 20 | FILTER | | 12 | | 1872K|00:32:07.67 | 85 | 7743K| 7733K| | | | |
|* 21 | HASH JOIN OUTER | | 12 | 1 | 388M|00:34:16.23 | 85 | 7743K| 7733K| 2047M| 135M| 88M (1)| 29G|
| 22 | NESTED LOOPS | | 12 | 1 | 388M|00:21:48.74 | 85 | 10676 | 0 | | | | |
| 23 | RECURSIVE WITH PUMP | | 12 | | 1842K|00:00:00.94 | 1 | 10676 | 0 | | | | |
|* 24 | VIEW | | 1842K| 1 | 388M|00:21:45.33 | 84 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 25 | WINDOW SORT | | 1842K| 560 | 1032M|00:09:02.63 | 84 | 0 | 0 | 106K| 106K|96256 (0)| |
|* 26 | HASH JOIN | | 12 | 560 | 6720 |00:00:00.01 | 84 | 0 | 0 | 1399K| 1399K| 1299K (0)| |
| 27 | VIEW | | 12 | 5 | 60 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 28 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C59_147E856B | 12 | 5 | 60 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 29 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | EPL_PLAYERS | 12 | 560 | 6720 |00:00:00.01 | 84 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 30 | BUFFER SORT (REUSE) | | 11 | | 6160 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 73728 | 73728 | | |
| 31 | VIEW | | 1 | 560 | 560 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 32 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C58_147E856B | 1 | 560 | 560 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 33 | VIEW | | 11 | 560 | 6160 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 34 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C58_147E856B | 11 | 560 | 6160 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - filter("RNK"<=:TOP_N)
15 - filter("ID"='AL')
19 - access("IPR"."INDEX_PRICE"="IRK"."SEQ_SIZE"-"TRW"."LEV"-1)
21 - access("IVR"."INDEX_VALUE"="IRK"."SEQ_SIZE"-"TRW"."LEV"-1)
26 - access("CRS"."ID"="POSITION")
Note that in the query the first two subquery factors, ITEM_RSUMS and CATEGORY_RSUMS, are each referenced more than once, and consequently the optimizer has materialized the results, as indicated by the ‘LOAD AS SELECT’ operations with Id 4 and 8.
However, the third subquery factor, ITEMS_RANKED is referenced explicitly only once, in the recursive branch of the recursive subquery factor, TREE_WALK, and is not materialized. The HASH JOIN operation, Id 26, corresponds to the join between items (a view pointing to EPL_PLAYERS here) and the subquery factor, CATEGORY_RSUMS (materialized as SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C59_147E856B), and has 12 starts (corresponding to the sequence size).
Since this subquery factor, ITEMS_RANKED, is joined at each iteration one would expect materializing it would in fact be a better approach for performance. We can force the optimizer to take this approach by using the undocumented (but widely used) hint /*+ materialize */.
Execution Plan 2 - after adding materialize hint
After adding the hint, and rerunning we get the same solution in 1727 seconds, with the following execution plan:
Plan hash value: 3545484027
| Id | Operation | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows | A-Time | Buffers | Reads | Writes | OMem | 1Mem | Used-Mem | Used-Tmp|
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | | 10 |00:28:47.03 | 45M| 7867K| 7867K| | | | |
| 1 | SORT ORDER BY | | 1 | 6 | 10 |00:28:47.03 | 45M| 7867K| 7867K| 2048 | 2048 | 2048 (0)| |
|* 2 | VIEW | RSF_SQL_MATERIAL_V | 1 | 6 | 10 |00:28:47.03 | 45M| 7867K| 7867K| | | | |
| 3 | TEMP TABLE TRANSFORMATION | | 1 | | 10 |00:28:47.03 | 45M| 7867K| 7867K| | | | |
| 4 | LOAD AS SELECT (CURSOR DURATION MEMORY) | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C5A_147E856B | 1 | | 0 |00:00:00.01 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 1024 | 1024 | | |
| 5 | WINDOW SORT | | 1 | 560 | 560 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 80896 | 80896 |71680 (0)| |
| 6 | WINDOW SORT | | 1 | 560 | 560 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 74752 | 74752 |65536 (0)| |
| 7 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | EPL_PLAYERS | 1 | 560 | 560 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 8 | LOAD AS SELECT (CURSOR DURATION MEMORY) | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C5B_147E856B | 1 | | 0 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 1024 | 1024 | | |
| 9 | WINDOW SORT | | 1 | 5 | 5 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 2048 | 2048 | 2048 (0)| |
| 10 | WINDOW SORT | | 1 | 5 | 5 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 2048 | 2048 | 2048 (0)| |
| 11 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | EPL_POSITIONS | 1 | 5 | 5 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 12 | LOAD AS SELECT (CURSOR DURATION MEMORY) | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C5C_147E856B | 1 | | 0 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 1024 | 1024 | | |
| 13 | WINDOW SORT | | 1 | 560 | 560 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 106K| 106K|96256 (0)| |
|* 14 | HASH JOIN | | 1 | 560 | 560 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 1399K| 1399K| 1137K (0)| |
| 15 | VIEW | | 1 | 5 | 5 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 16 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C5B_147E856B | 1 | 5 | 5 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 17 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | EPL_PLAYERS | 1 | 560 | 560 |00:00:00.01 | 7 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
|* 18 | WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK | | 1 | 6 | 10 |00:28:47.02 | 45M| 7867K| 7867K| 2048 | 2048 | 2048 (0)| |
|* 19 | VIEW | | 1 | 6 | 50 |00:28:47.01 | 45M| 7867K| 7867K| | | | |
| 20 | UNION ALL (RECURSIVE WITH) BREADTH FIRST| | 1 | | 1842K|00:00:43.61 | 45M| 7867K| 7867K| 93M| 3316K| 66M (0)| |
|* 21 | VIEW | | 1 | 5 | 1 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 22 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C5B_147E856B | 1 | 5 | 5 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 23 | WINDOW SORT | | 12 | 1 | 1842K|00:28:05.75 | 19 | 7867K| 7856K| 190M| 4633K| 80M (1)| 172M|
|* 24 | FILTER | | 12 | | 1842K|00:27:51.07 | 1 | 7781K| 7770K| | | | |
|* 25 | HASH JOIN OUTER | | 12 | 1 | 1872K|00:27:50.77 | 1 | 7781K| 7770K| 178M| 8572K| 110M (1)| 153M|
|* 26 | FILTER | | 12 | | 1872K|00:24:48.94 | 1 | 7743K| 7733K| | | | |
|* 27 | HASH JOIN OUTER | | 12 | 1 | 388M|00:27:25.13 | 1 | 7743K| 7733K| 2047M| 135M| 88M (1)| 29G|
| 28 | NESTED LOOPS | | 12 | 1 | 388M|00:09:45.57 | 1 | 10676 | 0 | | | | |
| 29 | RECURSIVE WITH PUMP | | 12 | | 1842K|00:00:01.48 | 1 | 10676 | 0 | | | | |
|* 30 | VIEW | | 1842K| 1 | 388M|00:09:08.92 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 31 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C5C_147E856B | 1842K| 560 | 1032M|00:02:24.41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 32 | BUFFER SORT (REUSE) | | 11 | | 6160 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 73728 | 73728 | | |
| 33 | VIEW | | 1 | 560 | 560 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 34 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C5A_147E856B | 1 | 560 | 560 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 35 | VIEW | | 11 | 560 | 6160 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 36 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6C5A_147E856B | 11 | 560 | 6160 |00:00:00.01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - filter("RNK"<=:TOP_N)
14 - access("CRS"."ID"="POSITION")
21 - filter("ID"='AL')
25 - access("IPR"."INDEX_PRICE"="IRK"."SEQ_SIZE"-"TRW"."LEV"-1)
27 - access("IVR"."INDEX_VALUE"="IRK"."SEQ_SIZE"-"TRW"."LEV"-1)
Materializing the third subquery factor has reduced the run time by about 25% on the hardest problem, and by upto a factor of about 4 on the approximative problems, for the larger (England) dataset.
Code | View |
SQL | RSF_SQL_V - original pure SQL recursive query |
SQM | RSF_SQL_MATERIAL_V - pure SQL with a materialize hint |
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | SQL | SQM |
10 | 0 | B-B (suboptimal) | 0.7 | 0.3 |
100 | 0 | B-A (optimal) | 6.5 | 2.9 |
100 | 10748 | B-A (optimal) | 0.4 | 0.2 |
0 | 10748 | B-A (optimal) | 0.7 | 0.4 |
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | SQL | SQM |
50 | 0 | E-B (suboptimal) | 208 | 52 |
300 | 0 | E-A (optimal) | 1253 | 318 |
300 | 1952 | E-A (optimal) | 80 | 20 |
0 | 1952 | E-A (optimal) | 2288 | 1727 |
4 Recursive SQL with PL/SQL
↑ Contents
↓ PL/SQL Packaged Code
↓ Recursive SQL with Temporary Tables
↓ Recursive SQL with Temporary Table and Where Function
↓ Impact of Context Switching
Noting the improved performance given by having all three subquery factors materialized, we might consider whether removing them from the query altogether would be better still. Several additional views implement variations on this approach, with tables and an array used to store pre-computed values.
In the first subsection we show the code used to store the pre-computed values; next, we show results for the recursive query using the temporary tables; then we show results when the Where clause logic is placed into a database function; finally, we investigate the impact of context switching, when PL/SQL functions are called from SQL.
PL/SQL Packaged Code
↑ 4 Recursive SQL with PL/SQL
↓ Temporary Tables
↓ Pre-calculation Procedures
↓ Query Where Function - Record_Is_Ok
Before calling the functions in the queries a procedure Init is called that populates the tables using the two procedures below. The tables are:
- ITEM_RUNNING_SUMS (IRS): Running sums of the maximum possible value, and minimum possible price of items, for a number of items equal to a slot index column
- ITEMS_RANKED (IRK): A set of item records with pre-calculated rank and other values
The Init procedure, which executes in a fraction of a second, also copies ITEM_RUNNING_SUMS into an array for a variant view that calls a function in the WHERE clause.
We will use IRS and IRK as short codes to denote these two tables.
Temporary Tables
A global temporary table is created to stored pre-calculated records for item running sums, and an index-organised table for items ranked.
slot_index INTEGER,
sum_value INTEGER,
sum_price INTEGER
Because the items ranked entity is called in one scenario only, with the join condition:
ON irk.item_rnk BETWEEN (trw.item_rnk + 1) AND (irk.n_items - (trw.seq_size - trw.lev - 1))
it makes sense to make the table index-organized based on the item_rnk column, which will allow more efficient access: When accessing by the index there is no need for a second access to the table data since it’s stored along with the index.
It is not possible to make this kind of table temporary.
CREATE TABLE items_ranked (
item_id VARCHAR2(3),
cat_id VARCHAR2(5),
item_price INTEGER,
item_value INTEGER,
min_items INTEGER,
max_items INTEGER,
min_remain INTEGER,
next_cat_id VARCHAR2(5),
n_items INTEGER
Pre-calculation Procedures
↑ PL/SQL Packaged Code
↓ Init
↓ pop_Item_Running_Sums
↓ pop_Items_Ranked
The queries rely on the temporary tables being pre-populated, which is effected by the following PL/SQL block, with the code called as described below:
This is the procedure called before each query that uses two pre-computed temporary tables. It first sets some package globals from system context values to simplify access throughout the package, and calls two procedures to populate each of the tables.
PROCEDURE set_Globals(
p_keep_num PLS_INTEGER,
p_min_value PLS_INTEGER) IS
g_keep_num := p_keep_num;
g_min_value := p_min_value;
END set_Globals;
PROCEDURE init_Common(
p_keep_num PLS_INTEGER,
p_min_value PLS_INTEGER) IS
set_Globals(p_keep_num => p_keep_num,
p_min_value => p_min_value);
g_max_price := recursion_Context('MAX_PRICE');
g_seq_size := recursion_Context('SEQ_SIZE');
END init_Common;
p_keep_num PLS_INTEGER,
p_min_value PLS_INTEGER) IS
init_Common(p_keep_num => p_keep_num,
p_min_value => p_min_value);
END Init;
Procedure that populates a temporary table, ITEM_RUNNING_SUMS, with running sums of item values, ordered by value descending, and prices, ordered by price ascending, with cardinality 1 less than sequence size. It copies the records into an array, g_items_running_sum_lis, either table or array can be read within the different query variants.
PROCEDURE pop_Item_Running_Sums IS
DELETE item_running_sums;
INSERT INTO item_running_sums
WITH vals AS (
SELECT ROWNUM rn, sum_value
FROM (SELECT Sum(item_value) OVER (ORDER BY item_value DESC, id) sum_value
FROM items
ORDER BY item_value DESC, id)
), prices AS (
SELECT ROWNUM rn, sum_price
FROM (SELECT Sum(item_price) OVER (ORDER BY item_price, id) sum_price
FROM items
ORDER BY item_price, id)
SELECT v.rn, sum_value, sum_price
FROM vals v
JOIN prices p ON p.rn = v.rn
WHERE v.rn < g_seq_size;
SELECT slot_index, sum_value, sum_price
BULK COLLECT INTO g_items_running_sum_lis
FROM item_running_sums
ORDER BY slot_index;
END pop_Item_Running_Sums;
↑ Pre-calculation Procedures
This view has columns and analytic expressions based on the CATEGORIES table, and is used in the procedure pop_Items_Ranked. It’s been extracted into a view to allow re-use in some later variations on the procedure.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW category_rsums_v AS
SELECT id, min_items, max_items,
Sum(CASE WHEN id != 'AL' THEN min_items END)
OVER (ORDER BY CASE WHEN min_items > 0 THEN max_items - min_items END DESC,
max_items DESC,
id DESC) min_remain,
Lead(CASE WHEN min_items > 0 THEN id END)
OVER (ORDER BY CASE WHEN min_items > 0 THEN max_items - min_items END,
min_items DESC,
id) next_cat_id,
CASE WHEN min_items > 0 THEN max_items - min_items END,
min_items DESC,
id) cat_rnk,
MAX(CASE WHEN id != 'AL' THEN max_items END) OVER () max_max_items
FROM categories
WHERE max_items > 0
Procedure that populates a temporary table, ITEMS_RANKED, with a set of item records with pre-calculated rank and other values.
PROCEDURE pop_Items_Ranked IS
DELETE items_ranked;
INSERT INTO items_ranked
SELECT itm.id,
Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY crs.cat_rnk, itm.item_value DESC, itm.id),
Count(*) OVER ()
FROM items itm
JOIN category_rsums_v crs
ON crs.id = itm.category_id;
END pop_Items_Ranked;
Query Where Function - Record_Is_Ok
This function is used in certain queries to contain constraint logic: It returns Y if the values from the current trial record passed in are deemed valid, based on a pre-calculated array, and optimization constraint logic.
FUNCTION Record_Is_Ok(
p_tot_value PLS_INTEGER,
p_tot_price PLS_INTEGER,
p_cat_id VARCHAR2,
p_cat_id_new VARCHAR2,
p_same_cats VARCHAR2,
p_next_cat_id VARCHAR2,
p_min_items PLS_INTEGER,
p_min_items_new PLS_INTEGER,
p_max_items_new PLS_INTEGER,
p_min_remain_new PLS_INTEGER)
l_test_value PLS_INTEGER := p_tot_value;
l_test_price PLS_INTEGER := p_tot_price;
l_slots_left PLS_INTEGER := g_seq_size - p_lev - 1;
IF l_slots_left > 0 THEN
l_test_value := p_tot_value + g_items_running_sum_lis(l_slots_left).sum_value;
l_test_price := p_tot_price + g_items_running_sum_lis(l_slots_left).sum_price;
IF l_test_value >= g_min_value AND l_test_price <= g_max_price AND p_lev < g_seq_size AND
CASE p_cat_id_new WHEN p_cat_id THEN p_same_cats + 1 ELSE 1 END <= p_max_items_new AND
l_slots_left + Least(CASE p_cat_id_new WHEN p_cat_id THEN p_same_cats + 1 ELSE 1 END,
p_min_items_new) >= p_min_remain_new AND
(p_cat_id_new = p_cat_id OR p_same_cats >= p_min_items) AND
(p_cat_id_new = p_cat_id OR p_cat_id_new = Nvl(p_next_cat_id, p_cat_id_new)) THEN
END Record_Is_Ok;
Recursive SQL with Temporary Tables
↑ 4 Recursive SQL with PL/SQL
↓ Results
↓ Query Structure
In this view, we replace the subqueries with temporary tables with records pre-populated.
↑ Recursive SQL with Temporary Tables
Code | View | IRK Access | IRS Access | IRK/TRW-Conditions | IRS/TRW-Conditions |
SQL | RSF_SQL_V - original pure SQL recursive query | Subquery | Subquery | Inline | Inline |
SQM | RSF_SQL_MATERIAL_V - pure SQL with a materialize hint | Subquery | Subquery | Inline | Inline |
IIT | RSF_IRK_IRS_TABS_V - temporary tables for IRK and IRS | Table | Table | Inline | Inline |
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | SQL | SQM | IIT |
10 | 0 | B-B (suboptimal) | 0.7 | 0.3 | 0.1 |
100 | 0 | B-A (optimal) | 6.5 | 2.9 | 1.1 |
100 | 10748 | B-A (optimal) | 0.4 | 0.2 | 0.1 |
0 | 10748 | B-A (optimal) | 0.7 | 0.4 | 0.1 |
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | SQL | SQM | IIT |
50 | 0 | E-B (suboptimal) | 208 | 52 | 9 |
300 | 0 | E-A (optimal) | 1253 | 318 | 72 |
300 | 1952 | E-A (optimal) | 80 | 20 | 3 |
0 | 1952 | E-A (optimal) | 2288 | 1727 | 214 |
We see that the new view is much faster than the pure SQL views in all cases.
Query Structure
↑ Recursive SQL with Temporary Tables
↓ Query SQL
↓ Execution Plan
Query SQL
WITH tree_walk(path_rnk, item_rnk, lev, tot_price, tot_value, cat_id, next_cat_id, same_cats, min_items, cats_path, path, seq_size) AS (
SELECT 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'AL', cat_id, 0, 0, '','', To_Number(SYS_Context('RECURSION_CTX', 'SEQ_SIZE'))
FROM items_ranked
WHERE item_rnk = 1
SELECT Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY trw.cats_path || irk.cat_id ORDER BY trw.tot_value + irk.item_value DESC),
trw.lev + 1,
trw.tot_price + irk.item_price,
trw.tot_value + irk.item_value,
CASE irk.cat_id WHEN trw.cat_id THEN trw.same_cats + 1 ELSE 1 END,
trw.cats_path || irk.cat_id,
trw.path || irk.item_id,
FROM tree_walk trw
JOIN items_ranked irk
ON irk.item_rnk BETWEEN (trw.item_rnk + 1) AND (irk.n_items - (trw.seq_size - trw.lev - 1))
LEFT JOIN item_running_sums irs
ON irs.slot_index = trw.seq_size - trw.lev - 1
WHERE trw.tot_price + irk.item_price + Nvl(irs.sum_price, 0) <= To_Number(SYS_Context('RECURSION_CTX', 'MAX_PRICE'))
AND trw.tot_value + irk.item_value + Nvl(irs.sum_value, 0) >= To_Number(SYS_Context('RECURSION_CTX', 'MIN_VALUE'))
AND trw.lev < trw.seq_size
AND CASE irk.cat_id WHEN trw.cat_id THEN trw.same_cats + 1 ELSE 1 END <= irk.max_items
AND trw.seq_size - (trw.lev + 1) + Least(CASE irk.cat_id
WHEN trw.cat_id THEN trw.same_cats + 1 ELSE 1 END,
>= irk.min_remain
AND (irk.cat_id = trw.cat_id OR trw.same_cats >= trw.min_items)
AND (irk.cat_id = trw.cat_id OR irk.cat_id = Nvl(trw.next_cat_id, irk.cat_id))
AND (trw.path_rnk <= To_Number(SYS_Context('RECURSION_CTX', 'KEEP_NUM')) OR To_Number(Nvl(SYS_Context('RECURSION_CTX', 'KEEP_NUM'), '0')) = 0)
SELECT path,
Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY tot_value DESC, tot_price) rnk
FROM tree_walk
WHERE lev = seq_size
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 3930817166
| Id | Operation | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows | A-Time | Buffers | Reads | Writes | OMem | 1Mem | Used-Mem | Used-Tmp|
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | | 10 |00:03:34.01 | 47M| 89254 | 89254 | | | | |
| 1 | SORT ORDER BY | | 1 | 2 | 10 |00:03:34.01 | 47M| 89254 | 89254 | 2048 | 2048 | 2048 (0)| |
|* 2 | VIEW | RSF_IRK_IRS_TABS_V | 1 | 2 | 10 |00:03:34.01 | 47M| 89254 | 89254 | | | | |
|* 3 | WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK | | 1 | 2 | 10 |00:03:34.01 | 47M| 89254 | 89254 | 2048 | 2048 | 2048 (0)| |
|* 4 | VIEW | | 1 | 2 | 50 |00:03:33.99 | 47M| 89254 | 89254 | | | | |
| 5 | UNION ALL (RECURSIVE WITH) BREADTH FIRST| | 1 | | 1842K|00:00:43.10 | 47M| 89254 | 89254 | 97M| 3375K| 97M (0)| |
|* 6 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | SYS_IOT_TOP_177213 | 1 | 1 | 1 |00:00:00.01 | 2 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 7 | WINDOW SORT | | 12 | 1 | 1842K|00:02:53.85 | 1847K| 89254 | 78167 | 205M| 4802K| 97M (1)| 185M|
| 8 | NESTED LOOPS | | 12 | 1 | 1842K|00:01:26.25 | 1847K| 18352 | 7265 | | | | |
|* 9 | HASH JOIN OUTER | | 12 | 1 | 1842K|00:00:01.60 | 4 | 18352 | 7265 | 127M| 9325K| 152M (0)| 49M|
| 10 | RECURSIVE WITH PUMP | | 12 | | 1842K|00:00:00.47 | 1 | 11087 | 0 | | | | |
| 11 | BUFFER SORT (REUSE) | | 11 | | 110 |00:00:00.01 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 73728 | 73728 | | |
| 12 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | ITEM_RUNNING_SUMS | 1 | 10 | 10 |00:00:00.01 | 3 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
|* 13 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | SYS_IOT_TOP_177213 | 1842K| 1 | 1842K|00:02:30.77 | 1847K| 0 | 0 | | | | |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - filter("RNK"<=:TOP_N)
4 - filter("LEV"="SEQ_SIZE")
6 - access("ITEM_RNK"=1)
9 - access("IRS"."SLOT_INDEX"="TRW"."SEQ_SIZE"-"TRW"."LEV"-1)
13 - access("IRK"."ITEM_RNK">="TRW"."ITEM_RNK"+1)
- dynamic statistics used: dynamic sampling (level=2)
- statistics feedback used for this statement
Notice that in step 13 IRK is accessed via the INDEX RANGE SCAN operation, without any second table access, since the table is index organized.
Recursive SQL with Temporary Table and Where Function
↑ 4 Recursive SQL with PL/SQL
↓ Results
↓ Query Structure
↓ Execution Plan
Having got good improvements from replacing the three initial subqueries with two pre-computed temporary tables, we now investigate whether using a function in the WHERE clause could simplify and/or improve the performance of the query further. This approach allows us to avoid joining the second table, ITEM_RUNNING_SUMS, in the query itself, instead accessing the corresponding array within a function used to validate the current trial record.
We will start by reporting the results, before describing it in more detail with execution plan in subsequent sections.
↑ Recursive SQL with Temporary Table and Where Function
Note: IRK, IRS and TRW in the table below refer to the temporary tables/arrays for ITEMS_RANKED and ITEM_RUNNING_SUMS, and the recursive subquery respectively.
Code | View | IRK Access | IRS Access | IRK/TRW-Conditions | IRS/TRW-Conditions |
SQL | RSF_SQL_V - original pure SQL recursive query | Subquery | Subquery | Inline | Inline |
SQM | RSF_SQL_MATERIAL_V - pure SQL with a materialize hint | Subquery | Subquery | Inline | Inline |
IIT | RSF_IRK_IRS_TABS_V - temporary tables for IRK and IRS | Table | Table | Inline | Inline |
ITW | RSF_IRK_TAB_WHERE_FUN_V - temporary table for IRK, with function accessing IRS array in WHERE clause | Table | Record_Is_Ok | Record_Is_Ok | Record_Is_Ok |
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | SQL | SQM | IIT | ITW |
10 | 0 | B-B (suboptimal) | 0.7 | 0.3 | 0.1 | 0.2 |
100 | 0 | B-A (optimal) | 6.5 | 2.9 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
100 | 10748 | B-A (optimal) | 0.4 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.2 |
0 | 10748 | B-A (optimal) | 0.7 | 0.4 | 0.1 | 0.5 |
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | SQL | SQM | IIT | ITW |
50 | 0 | E-B (suboptimal) | 208 | 52 | 9 | 11 |
300 | 0 | E-A (optimal) | 1253 | 318 | 72 | 82 |
300 | 1952 | E-A (optimal) | 80 | 20 | 3 | 8 |
0 | 1952 | E-A (optimal) | 2288 | 1727 | 214 | 1181 |
We see that the new view, ITW, like the previous one, IIT, when compared with SQM, gives much improved performance on the England dataset, but is much slower than IIT in two cases.
One might surmise that the poor result on the final pair, where much more work is being done, may be at least partly due to context switching between SQL amd PL/SQL when invoking the function in the Where clause (Item_Cat_Seqs.Record_Is_Ok, see below). This phenomenon is discussed in an old AskTom thread, Context Switch, from which I extract:
There is a call overhead to go from SQL to PLSQL (the “hit” is most evident when SQL invokes PLSQL - not so much the other way, when SQL is embedded in PLSQL). Even if this hit is very very small (say 1/1000th of a second) - if you do it enough, it adds up. So, if it can be avoided - it should be.
It can be difficult to assess the impact of context switching in isolation because the execution plans may differ between view versions, and also because the execution plans do not reveal all relevant information. We’ll look at this in more detail in the next main section, Impact of Context Switching.
Query Structure
↑ Recursive SQL with Temporary Table and Where Function
The following query removes the join to ITEM_RUNNING_SUMS, by use of a function call in the WHERE clause, in the package Item_Cat_Seqs:
- Record_Is_Ok: Scalar function that returns Y if the values from the current trial record passed in are deemed valid, based on pre-calculated arrays
WITH tree_walk(path_rnk, item_rnk, lev, tot_price, tot_value, cat_id, next_cat_id, same_cats, min_items, cats_path, path, seq_size) AS (
SELECT 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'AL', cat_id, 0, 0, '','', To_Number(SYS_Context('RECURSION_CTX', 'SEQ_SIZE'))
FROM items_ranked
WHERE item_rnk = 1
SELECT Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY trw.cats_path || irk.cat_id ORDER BY trw.tot_value + irk.item_value DESC),
trw.lev + 1,
trw.tot_price + irk.item_price,
trw.tot_value + irk.item_value,
CASE irk.cat_id WHEN trw.cat_id THEN trw.same_cats + 1 ELSE 1 END,
trw.cats_path || irk.cat_id,
trw.path || irk.item_id,
FROM tree_walk trw
JOIN items_ranked irk
ON irk.item_rnk BETWEEN (trw.item_rnk + 1) AND (irk.n_items - (trw.seq_size - trw.lev - 1))
WHERE Item_Cat_Seqs.Record_Is_Ok(p_lev => trw.lev,
p_tot_value => trw.tot_value + irk.item_value,
p_tot_price => trw.tot_price + irk.item_price,
p_cat_id => trw.cat_id,
p_cat_id_new => irk.cat_id,
p_same_cats => trw.same_cats,
p_next_cat_id => trw.next_cat_id,
p_min_items => trw.min_items,
p_min_items_new => irk.min_items,
p_max_items_new => irk.max_items,
p_min_remain_new => irk.min_remain) = 'Y'
AND (trw.path_rnk <= To_Number(SYS_Context('RECURSION_CTX', 'KEEP_NUM')) OR To_Number(Nvl(SYS_Context('RECURSION_CTX', 'KEEP_NUM'), '0')) = 0)
SELECT path,
Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY tot_value DESC, tot_price) rnk
FROM tree_walk
WHERE lev = seq_size
Execution Plan
↑ Recursive SQL with Temporary Table and Where Function
The execution plan for the query is as follows (England dataset, KEEP_NUM = 0, MIN_VALUE = 1952):
Plan hash value: 57043923
| Id | Operation | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows | A-Time | Buffers | Reads | Writes | OMem | 1Mem | Used-Mem | Used-Tmp|
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | | 10 |00:09:41.87 | 47M| 54062 | 54062 | | | | |
| 1 | SORT ORDER BY | | 1 | 2 | 10 |00:09:41.87 | 47M| 54062 | 54062 | 2048 | 2048 | 2048 (0)| |
|* 2 | VIEW | RSF_IRK_TAB_WHERE_FUN_V | 1 | 2 | 10 |00:09:41.87 | 47M| 54062 | 54062 | | | | |
|* 3 | WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK | | 1 | 2 | 10 |00:09:41.87 | 47M| 54062 | 54062 | 2048 | 2048 | 2048 (0)| |
|* 4 | VIEW | | 1 | 2 | 50 |00:09:41.83 | 47M| 54062 | 54062 | | | | |
| 5 | UNION ALL (RECURSIVE WITH) BREADTH FIRST| | 1 | | 1842K|00:00:43.57 | 47M| 54062 | 54062 | 97M| 3375K| 97M (0)| |
|* 6 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | SYS_IOT_TOP_177213 | 1 | 1 | 1 |00:00:00.01 | 2 | 0 | 0 | | | | |
| 7 | WINDOW SORT | | 12 | 1 | 1842K|00:15:41.55 | 1847K| 54062 | 42975 | 188M| 4610K| 97M (1)| 169M|
| 8 | NESTED LOOPS | | 12 | 1 | 1842K|00:09:08.37 | 1847K| 11087 | 0 | | | | |
| 9 | RECURSIVE WITH PUMP | | 12 | | 1842K|00:00:00.73 | 1 | 11087 | 0 | | | | |
|* 10 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | SYS_IOT_TOP_177213 | 1842K| 1 | 1842K|00:17:08.52 | 1847K| 0 | 0 | | | | |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - filter("RNK"<=:TOP_N)
4 - filter("LEV"="SEQ_SIZE")
6 - access("ITEM_RNK"=1)
10 - access("IRK"."ITEM_RNK">="TRW"."ITEM_RNK"+1)
- dynamic statistics used: dynamic sampling (level=2)
- statistics feedback used for this statement
We see that the execution plan is slightly simpler than the previous plan, with the IRS array reference now inside the new function. This means that, where the driving row set for the nested loops join previously was the result of a hash join between the recursive subquery and ITEM_RUNNING_SUMS:
|* 9 | HASH JOIN OUTER | |
| 11 | BUFFER SORT (REUSE) | |
we now just have the recursive subquery in step 9.
The A-Rows for all comparable steps are identical, as are the Buffers, and the Reads, Writes and memory uses are all either the same, or smaller in the current plan. This raises an obvious question: Why does the query take 5 times as much time to execute as the earlier one without the WHERE clause function? Could it be down to context switching? We cannot tell from the plan how much overhead is added due to context switching, and we’ll investigate that issue in the next section.
Impact of Context Switching
↑ 4 Recursive SQL with PL/SQL
↓ Counting Function Calls
↓ Function Code
↓ Timer Set Results
In the last section we noted that the view with the IRS array reference and associated conditions inside a new function performed much more slowly than the previous view with these explicitly within the query. We also saw that the A-Rows value for the inner INDEX RANGE SCAN against the ITEMS_RANKED index-organized table was the same in both cases at 1842K (steps 13 and 10, respectively). However, it is important to understand that the A-Rows value is the number of records returned once the filter conditions have been applied, including the condition that the Record_Is_Ok function returns ‘Y’, and does not reflect the number of function calls made.
Counting Function Calls
For this reason, to better understand what’s going on we have created a second version of the function, Record_Is_Ok_TS, and the view, RSF_IRK_TAB_WHERE_FUN_TS_V, with code timing added within the function. We have also added a parameter, p_do_timing, to the Init function defaulting to FALSE, and when TRUE the function now creates a new timer set with its handle stored in a package global, g_timer_set. The call before querying the view is then:
Item_Cat_Seqs.Init(p_keep_num => &KEEP_NUM,
p_min_value => &MIN_VALUE,
p_do_timing => TRUE);
with timer set creation logic added:
IF p_do_timing THEN
g_timer_set := Timer_Set.Construct ('Init, KEEP_NUM-MIN_VALUE: ' || p_keep_num || '-' || p_min_value);
g_timer_set := NULL;
The timer set result is printed after the query using a new procedure, Write_Init_Timer_Set.
EXEC Item_Cat_Seqs.Write_Init_Timer_Set;
The timer sets has calls to Increment_Time before both ‘Y’ and ‘N’ returns, measuring them separately. The revised function is shown below.
Function Code
p_tot_value PLS_INTEGER,
p_tot_price PLS_INTEGER,
p_cat_id VARCHAR2,
p_cat_id_new VARCHAR2,
p_same_cats VARCHAR2,
p_next_cat_id VARCHAR2,
p_min_items PLS_INTEGER,
p_min_items_new PLS_INTEGER,
p_max_items_new PLS_INTEGER,
p_min_remain_new PLS_INTEGER)
l_test_value PLS_INTEGER := p_tot_value;
l_test_price PLS_INTEGER := p_tot_price;
l_slots_left PLS_INTEGER := g_seq_size - p_lev - 1;
IF l_slots_left > 0 THEN
l_test_value := p_tot_value + g_items_running_sum_lis(l_slots_left).sum_value;
l_test_price := p_tot_price + g_items_running_sum_lis(l_slots_left).sum_price;
IF l_test_value >= g_min_value AND l_test_price <= g_max_price AND p_lev < g_seq_size AND
CASE p_cat_id_new WHEN p_cat_id THEN p_same_cats + 1 ELSE 1 END <= p_max_items_new AND
l_slots_left + Least(CASE p_cat_id_new WHEN p_cat_id THEN p_same_cats + 1 ELSE 1 END,
p_min_items_new) >= p_min_remain_new AND
(p_cat_id_new = p_cat_id OR p_same_cats >= p_min_items) AND
(p_cat_id_new = p_cat_id OR p_cat_id_new = Nvl(p_next_cat_id, p_cat_id_new)) THEN
Timer_Set.Increment_Time(g_timer_set, 'Record_Is_Ok - Y');
Timer_Set.Increment_Time(g_timer_set, 'Record_Is_Ok - N');
END Record_Is_Ok_TS;
Timer Set Results
Timer Set: Init, KEEP_NUM-MIN_VALUE: 0-1952, Constructed at 11 Jun 2024 01:39:17, written at 03:15:52
Timer Elapsed CPU Calls Ela/Call CPU/Call
---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- -------------
init_Common 0.00 0.00 1 0.00200 0.00000
pop_Items_Ranked 0.01 0.00 1 0.00700 0.00000
Record_Is_Ok - Y 54.13 51.19 1842891 0.00003 0.00003
Record_Is_Ok - N 5741.37 5694.33 410655010 0.00001 0.00001
(Other) 0.03 0.01 1 0.03000 0.01000
---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- -------------
Total 5795.54 5745.53 412497904 0.00001 0.00001
---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- -------------
[Timer timed (per call in ms): Elapsed: 0.01053, CPU: 0.01158]
The elapsed time in the original view without the code timing was 1181 seconds for the England dataset (KEEP_NUM = 0, MIN_VALUE = 1952), and this has increased dramatically to a total of 5,796 seconds, due to the impact of the code timing calls themselves. We are interested in the numbers of calls rather than the distorted timings.
There were 1,842,891 calls returning ‘Y’ and 410,655,010 returning ‘N’. The first figure corresponds to the A-Rows value of 1842K, while the ‘N’ calls result in the candidate record being filtered out.
This gives us some insight into why the time went from 214 seconds for IIT to 1181 seconds for ITW, despite fairly similar execution plans: A very large number of function calls were made to filter the rows. If we divide the difference in time by the total number of calls, we get:
Seconds per call = (1181 - 214 = 967) / (1842891 + 410655010 = 412497901) = 0.0000023 = 2.3E-6
By comparison the estimated overhead for a timing call is 1E-5, four times greater. The estimate is not very accurate, but we can see that a very small context switching overhead repeated many times has made a big impact on the time taken.
5 Conclusion
↑ Contents
↓ Results
↓ Lessons Learned
In this article, we used two larger test datasets to analyse the performance of the initial recursive query, with Value Filtering
techniques included, as described in the fourth article, and looked at variations on the query designed to improve performance.
To conclude, we will summarise the results for the four recursive subquery views developed, then note some lessons learned.
Note: IRK, IRS and TRW in the table below refer to the table/array for items ranked and item running sums, and the recursive subquery respectively.
Code | View | IRK Access | IRS Access | IRK/TRW-Conditions | IRS/TRW-Conditions |
SQL | RSF_SQL_V - original pure SQL recursive query | Subquery | Subquery | Inline | Inline |
SQM | RSF_SQL_MATERIAL_V - pure SQL with a materialize hint | Subquery | Subquery | Inline | Inline |
IIT | RSF_IRK_IRS_TABS_V - temporary tables for IRK and IRS | Table | Table | Inline | Inline |
ITW | RSF_IRK_TAB_WHERE_FUN_V - temporary table for IRK, with function accessing IRS array in WHERE clause | Table | Record_Is_Ok | Record_Is_Ok | Record_Is_Ok |
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | SQL | SQM | IIT | ITW |
0 | 0 | ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP | NA | NA | NA | NA |
10 | 0 | B-B (suboptimal) | 0.7 | 0.3 | 0.1 | 0.2 |
100 | 0 | B-A (optimal) | 6.5 | 2.9 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
100 | 10748 | B-A (optimal) | 0.4 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.2 |
0 | 10748 | B-A (optimal) | 0.7 | 0.4 | 0.1 | 0.5 |
KEEP_NUM | MIN_VALUE | Solution Set | SQL | SQM | IIT | ITW |
0 | 0 | ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP | NA | NA | NA | NA |
50 | 0 | E-B (suboptimal) | 208 | 52 | 9 | 11 |
300 | 0 | E-A (optimal) | 1253 | 318 | 72 | 82 |
300 | 1952 | E-A (optimal) | 80 | 20 | 3 | 8 |
0 | 1952 | E-A (optimal) | 2288 | 1727 | 214 | 1181 |
Lessons Learned
We can summarise the principle points we have learned in relation to solving these problems using recursive queries:
- Even when truncating subsequences as soon as possible, recursive subqueries for these datasets fail to complete until we introduce non-zero values for at least one of the
Value Filtering
parameters - Oracle does not by default materialize subquery factors that are referenced only in recursive subqueries, and this can adversely affect performance
- A materialize hint can improve performance, but we found that extracting the subquery factors into temporary tables was better still
- On the hardest dataset / parameter pair problem the temporary table IIT solution method was 10x faster than pure SQL
- Putting query WHERE conditions inside a PL/SQL function may result in considerable adverse performance impacts
- The performance impact depends on how many times the function is called, and this can be difficult to determine, since the execution plans do not report this information
- Using a known minimum value to truncate solution paths,
Value Bound Filtering
, can improve performance considerably, without loss of optimality - Using
Value Rank Filtering
to retain only the best subsequences by category path can improve performance considerably, although it may involve loss of optimality
In the next article we will demonstrate how PL/SQL can be used to implement both recursive and iterative versions of the basic algorithm with embedded SQL, and we’ll go on to implement an Iterative Refinement
algorithm that will prove to be highly efficient.